Here you can find more details about the services we offer. Please just contact us for any inquiries, questions or pricing.
Website Developments and Content Writing
Every website and website development has a specific target audience and requires the most relevant design and content according to exactly these prerequisites. We build the structure for you website/ web development plus the content you need for your business or organization to become a success and develop your project according to that. We are also able to implement newest SEO techniques to optimize the search results of your site.
Social Media Consultation and Marketing
Today, Social Media has become a very important or better said an inseparable part in marketing strategies and therefore Social Media is an essential part in ervey Marketing Plan and essential to assure the success of your overall Social Media Marketing efforts. Let us help you to build for you an effective SMM Plan: from setting up your accounts, to posting/ sharing consulting to the various marketing strategies.
Business Plans and Executive Summaries
Your Business Plan represents you and your future services or products. It is a written description of your business’s future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it and it is your business card to get investors interested in your business dream. Executive Summaries and Business Plans require deep and precise research of market situations, market backgrounds and your positioning in the target market, calculations of prospective profit/ loss, important information about you and your background, and much more.
Let us help you to get you and your business idea one step closer to your dream. Please contact us for further information so we will be able to offer you our custom services.